Clucas Plc and The Tromode Business Estate
For over 200 hundred years there has been business activity on the Tromode Estate which has made a significant contribution to the commercial heritage of the Isle of Man.
Clucas Plc, a Manx incorporated and controlled company, has owned and occupied the estate since 1911. Initially as the Island's leading laundry and cleaning company, the core business has changed and adapted over the years.
Today Clucas Plc operates the Island's premier business estate and science park. With 40 business units available for letting, the estate provides a perfect mix of tenants ranging from high technology and IT, to construction and healthcare.
With an on-site estate office there is an active presence offering advice, assistance and practical help. A full time manager maintains the estate to the highest quality.
Units are let on terms that match the business needs of the tenant. Internal modifications are encouraged to suit the nature of the tenants' businesses.
We have a progressive programme of repairs and renewals providing modern, functional units and uncluttered estate infrastructure.